Black Apple Theatre Company


Adam Harris

(Co-deviser and Music coordinator)

Born on 24th February 1990 in the Luton and Dunstable hospital.

Theatre and performance has always been his passion since a very early age where he was cast as scrooge in a production of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. From then on he studied at the Genesis Theatre School in singing, dancing, and acting.

Adam attended Wootton Upper School and Arts College in Bedfordshire from 2003-2008, where he studied drama and performance throughout GCSE and A level. Bedfordshire University is where he currently pursues his passion in BA contemporary Theatre Practice.

Emma Boulton 

(Co-deviser and Company Director/Admin)

Emma Boulton was born in East London in 1988, she is the second of three daughters in her family and has always been the most outgoing of the three.

Emma is currently in her final year on the Contemporary Theatre Practice course at the University of Bedfordshire. She is at present the company director of the Black Apple Theatre Company, a small scale touring company. She has always had a passion for performing originally wanting to enter the industry as a Children’s television presenter. Although this is her ideal job, she has decided to follow a more easily accessible career path in teaching and facilitating in which she will be able to experience first hand the children’s development and enjoyment in drama.

Alexandra Macleod

(Co-deviser and Stage Management)

Originally from Romania, Alexandra has discovered her passion for theatre at an early age. During her childhood years she used to look up at the people on stage and it wasn't very long until she was one of them.Alexandra has embraced numerous characters and personas, and recently discovered her true passion for directing.

Ashley Ironmonger

Co-deviser and Stage Management

(Co-deviser and Research facilitator)

Kerry Culling

(Co-deviser, Marketing and Promotion)

Born in 1979 in Hitchin, Hertfordshire.
She left school in 1995 and went on to study Journalism and Media at the North Hertfordshire College. Throughout her childhood and teenage years Kerry had a passion for Literature. It was through reading she discovered a love for the stage. 

Kerry left college and went on to have 3 children. Once her last child went off to school Kerry made the decision that University was her next calling. The stage beckoned. Kerry is currently studying a degree in BA (hons) Contemporary Theatre Practice and hopes to further her career within the industry after graduation.

Amy Witchalow

(Co-deviser and Head of Costume)

Amy Witchalow has been performing from a young age within a number of companies based around historical re-enactments and representations.  She is now working mainly with contemporary theatre and is extremely passionate about the process of devising new work.  In the future she is interested in training within film and television and pursuing a career within on-screen acting.


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