Black Apple Theatre Company

Black Apple News

17th May

After weeks rehearsing we have our finished piece!! Publicity is out, all we need is our audience...  Many thanks to the Times & Citizen for their support!  We hope to see you all on the night!

15th April 2011

We have just finished our workshops with Livingstone Lower School and what a performance the children gave! We were over the moon with how wonderfully each and every child performed.  We very much look forward to continuing our work with other schools in the future.

17th January 2011

We are proud to announce that we have started our first community project. We are holding a ten weeks workshop programme at Livingston Lower School. The ten weeks workshop plan will  end with a performance of the Japanesse folktale, The Stonecutter.

We were nervous about working with young children, but now, two weeks in the programme, we are stunned with their commitment and creativity. We have just finished introducing physical theatre to them and next week we will be introducing the story and start making the costumes and props.


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